субота, 26 березня 2016 р.


     In this article I'm going to explain what a podcast is and why it's becoming such a popular media. This is going to be an easy to understand podcast definition in everyday terms.

      Not only that, but anyone can create his or her own “radio”-style show and broadcast it to the world in very little time and at very little cost. All you need is a computer, a mic and the internet.
      When I first heard about podcasting I was blown away. I spent a week reading everything I could about podcasts and finding new podcasts to listen to. I was so excited about the idea of so much free, original and interesting content to listen to.Podcasting is an escape from the same old, corporate conglomerate, worn-out, Clearchannel controlled, pre-programmed, blah blah blah radio. Podcasting has personality and variety that run-of-the-mill radio does not.

You Can Create or Listen to Whatever. Kind of Audio Content You Can Imagine.

Anyone can create a podcast. All over the world, people are creating podcasts on subjects ranging from movies, to technology, to music, to politics and whatever else you can think of. This is new original content made by passionate people who want to share their creativity with the world.

The cost to start podcasting is so low that anyone can do it. Most podcasters are everyday people like you and me. They could be talking to you driving in their car, sitting in their living room or speaking at a conference. You get to glimpse into their life and into their interests.

Podcasters are creating very raw and real content and listeners are responding. Free from corporate radio and broadcast regulations, you can create whatever kind of show you can imagine.

Some podcasts are “talk show” style. Others introduce you to the latest bands and music. With podcasts you can stay current on the news, get a glimpse into someone’s life, listen to move reviews and the list goes on.

Most podcasts are made by people who are very passionate about their subject. Passion is infectious and interesting to listen to. Since the birth of podcasting, a huge variety of shows have shown up on the internet.

In addition, many major media outlets are also now offering podcasts. You can listen to NPR, Rush Limbaugh and many major news outlets by podcast.

Go to this link to learn how to create a podcast of your own. This is a step-by-step tutorial that will take you from concept to launch in just a matter of days. You can get started with stuff you probably already own and for very little cost, or you can watch a video here on how to record a podcast.
In addition, I give you a few links where you can listen to some podcasts:)
  • http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p02pc9zn/episodes/downloads
  • http://learningenglish.voanews.com/podcast/0.html
  • https://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/en/elementary-podcasts
  • https://www.eslpod.com/website/
People will be listening to what you have to say. They will be enjoying your own creation. You can become and a recognized expert on the topic of your choice. This makes podcasting valuable for business use.

References: http://www.howtopodcasttutorial.com/what-is-a-podcast.htm

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